With this subscription you will receive one collage once a year.
Hand made. Hand picked. Hand shipped.

Every month
Every year

With this subscription you will annually receive one collage out of the actual IM© collage series as a surprise pack or one of your choice and every month a personal Collage-letter send via email with updates, written works, reports on the process and special offers. Plus You'll receive early bird invitations and special offers. Collecting through this subscription you safe 192€ per collage

✓ One collage per year
✓ Special access to all my offers
✓ A hand written analog special thank you letter every year
✓ A monthly Collage-letter

With this Synsciption you receive once a year a special physical analog hand made letter.

Every month
Every month

A Synscription to support my work, research and philosphia.

✓ Special access to my offers.
✓ Once a year a special analog hand made thank you letter.
✓ + Synsricption to my Newsletter More Sense Less Nonsens

©Ida-Marie Corell

Contact me here for info, shipping possibilities and if you do not have PayPal…